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I was wondering what kinds of programs you guys have used
to create your classroom webpages. I teach second grade,
and I made a webpage using Microsoft's Frontpage, but I
just want something a little more. Any help?
Jean Bullock /blockquote>

On 8/17/07, Angie wrote:
> I was wondering what kinds of programs you guys have used
> to create your classroom webpages. I teach second grade,
> and I made a webpage using Microsoft's Frontpage, but I
> just want something a little more. Any help?

I think a lot of people use Adobe Creat...See More
Aug 18, 2007
So Cal teacher You should check out -- very easy to use, quite versatile, and not expensive. I didn't know anything about creating a website and didn't have any trouble getting mine set up. I've used it for a year now and love it because it is user friendly for me, the parents, and my students! (I know, it's not software, but it's worth considering...See More
Oct 19, 2008
R On 10/19/08, So Cal teacher wrote: You should check out

I don't pay $39 a year for 100Mb of server space. Not a good deal.

Go to a place like iPower, pay $4.95 a month and get 1,500 Gb of storage, WebSite Creator, blog tools like WordPress, 2500 email accounts (set you your own classroom or school for th...See More
Nov 5, 2008
Cateste If you want a simple home page for your announcements, calendar, homework, and special projects go to Class Homepage Builder at

[link removed]

It is extremely easy to use and fast to update. There is no cost, just register (about 3 minutes) and then use.

It also has a password for you to use while you are updating and ...See More
Feb 19, 2009

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