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hi again,

i got an email from a couple of people saying that they
liked the new UBoost program, so I signed up for it and
gave it a try. This new program is teamed up with weekly
reader and gives you the option to choose the topics that
your students read. They have things such as News,
Current Science, Read, and Current Events. The site is
very easy to use and you as a teacher can get your class
signed up in about 30 minutes. Right now there is a free
trial going on till December so it's a good chance to see
if it's something that can be used in your classroom.
After you sign up, each student gets a username and
password which he/she uses to access the magazine and
takes a quiz on what they have read. When taking the
quizzes, they receive points that they can use to get all
sorts of cool prizes(varies in different states)! As a
teacher you have access to your students accounts to see
how ...See More
teacher3ct /blockquote>


I have just started using uBoost, and it seems really
great! I was wondering, Do you know how to add more
students into your class after you have created your teacher
account? Please let me know when you can.


On 9/17/07, Darci wrote:
> hi again,
> i go...See More
Sep 21, 2007
Darci /blockquote>


yes, it's actually really simple.

1) sign in to your account
2) click account management on the top
3) on the left side, click student manager
4) if you have more than one class signed up for this, on the
top left it says select a class, make sure it's the right one
5) next...on the b...See More
Sep 21, 2007
uBoost /blockquote>


Thanks for your response! I am not sure how to move up the
different levels, but if I can figure it out, I'll let you know!


On 9/21/07, Darci wrote:
> hi!
> yes, it's actually really simple.
> 1) sign in to your account
> 2) click accou...See More
Sep 22, 2007
Darci /blockquote>

Alright that sounds great, thanks!! How are your students liking
the program? which weekly reader issue are they reading? My
students are really seeming to like this uboost stuff!

On 9/22/07, uBoost wrote:
> Hey,
> Thanks for your response! I am not sure how to move up the
> di...See More
Sep 22, 2007

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