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Would anyone suggest using Dreamweaver a a teaching tool
for my 8th graders. It would be a way to introduce HTML
coding in my compter class. Any suggestions?
Beth /blockquote>

I've never taught it but love using it. I manage our school
website. It is the easiest web building software out there.
So, to answer your question "yes". It would be beneficial
because you can view the code or the page as you created it.

On 1/30/08, Marcy Austin wrote:
> Would anyone suggest usi...See More
Feb 3, 2008
Bruce /blockquote>

Marcy, Dreamweaver is a tool thats automatically creates the
HTML for you, If your goal is teaching HTML, first try
explaining the syntax of the language then move to dreamweaver
to show how the tool creates the HTML.

On 1/30/08, Marcy Austin wrote:
> Would anyone suggest using Dreamweaver a a teach...See More
Feb 11, 2008
bilal secer /blockquote>

On 2/03/08, Beth wrote:
> I've never taught it but love using it. I manage our school
> website. It is the easiest web building software out there.
> So, to answer your question "yes". It would be beneficial
> because you can view the code or the page as you created it.
> ...See More
Mar 3, 2008

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