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I just ordered a Pocket PC and I was wondering if anyone
else uses one to write lesson plans, keep data...or other
ways to use it in the classroom. It is for me to use, not
the students.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.

Donna /blockquote>

Favorite thing EVER! I use it for my gradebook, attendance,
etc. Also have all contact info for my students--iep's (on
security setting) etc. I love it!!!!

On 3/03/08, Kelly wrote:
> I just ordered a Pocket PC and I was wondering if anyone
> else uses one to write lesson plans, keep data...or o...See More
yesterday, 2008
qkrtchr /blockquote>

Donna, I've been thinking of doing the same, I also always
thought it would be sooo much easier to make observations and
notes throughout the day. Did you need a particular program?
What kind of pocket PC do you use? Is it a palm pilot? Any
info would be helpful! I'd love to find a class over the
topic t...See More
Apr 15, 2008
Donna /blockquote>

It's a Palm Pilot. I use gradekeeper as my electronic gradebook
and it has the palm pilot set up in that program. I think it's
[link removed]
Apr 19, 2008

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