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Does anyone think that a specialist degree in Instructional Technology would be very helpful to a classroom teacher? Would schools upgrade pay to the 6th year level if a teacher had this degree but was not in a technology related position?
Krissy This is what I got my Ed.S. degree in and it is VERY helpful to me in the regular classroom. My degree not only focused on the tech, but how to integrate it meaningfully! It was very helpful! I teach 4th grade...but now am moving to gifted ed...either way, that degree is totally useful.

On 7/22/08, John Doe wrote: > Does anyone think th...See More
Jul 22, 2008
Lindsey Shepard I am a student and employee in the Technology & Education department at Mississippi State. We've got the Master's in Instructional Technology and also Ed Specialist in Technology. The students in our programs are from all fields. Many want to learn more about using technology to help fascilitate learning in their classroom. Lots of students are...See More
Jul 23, 2008
Kim in CA I would think it would be quite useful- especially as far as integration in your own classroom. As far as your pay scale that depends on the policy of your district. If you earn units that can move you over a column, your pay will increase. If there is some sort of a warning that you have to teach in the area you are trained in order to receive an ...See More
Jul 23, 2008

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