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Any suggestions on new software to buy for my new computer lab? I am a new computer teacher in a K-6 school with brand new computers but little updated software. I want to order kidspix deluxe 4 for paint unless there is a better one out there. Help!
VickyS If you have budget then KidPix is good and I would also recommend Kidspiration. Do you have standard software like Microsoft Office? I would definitely recommended having Word, Excel, Powerpoint & Publisher if possible.

If you don't have budget there are open source options that don't cost anything like TuxPaint & Open Office.
Sep 5, 2008
Kristy On 9/05/08, VickyS wrote: > If you have budget then KidPix is good and I would also > recommend Kidspiration. Do you have standard software like > Microsoft Office? I would definitely recommended having Word, > Excel, Powerpoint & Publisher if possible. > > If you don't have budget there are open source options that > don't...See More
Sep 6, 2008

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