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I'm looking for some decent quality free educational games that I can download. These are for two students who are very behind grade level (K and 3rd). They do not have internet at home so they need to be games I can download and install on an older computer I am giving them to play on at home, hoping to give them extra practice on basic skills.

I am especially looking for programs that will not simply be review, but actually help guide students as they learn new skills. They need the most help in reading and math, but good, fun educational games in any subject would help, even art!!

If you have just ONE good link to share, please pass it along...they will be thankful! :-)
Heidi R. On 4/15/09, agirl12 wrote: > I'm looking for some decent quality free educational games > that I can download. These are for two students who are > very behind grade level (K and 3rd). They do not have > internet at home so they need to be games I can download > and install on an older computer I am giving them to play > on at hom...See More
May 7, 2009

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