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I was toying with the idea of teaching English in Latin America recently; I opted not to go--because I had the nutty idea that moving with nothig but a list of schools that would love to meet with me n person might no end as well as people onine claim it does (for most "professional" teachers)--- but I noticed somehing:

If you get certfied to teach Engligh abroad, there are two (and onl two) teachng skills you will learn.. how to NEVER use the student's native language an how to make sure tha your TTT (teacher talk time) iss 25&37; or less. In other words the ONLY acceptable teacching method for teaching English to non native speakers is to talk at mot 25&37; of the time. The claim is language learning is only about speaking the target language because "the onl way you learn a language is to actively be speakinng it".

I am 100&37; opposed to the "shut up and make them talk" attitude, and let's be real..the "never use anoh...See More
my computer is clunky nfm On 5/03/16, An observation wrote: > I was toying with the idea of teaching English in Latin > America recently; I opted not to go--because I had the nutty > idea that moving with nothig but a list of schools that would > love to meet with me n person might no end as well as people > onine claim it does (for most "professional&qu...See More
May 3, 2016
Broader observation On 5/03/16, An observation wrote: BUT: Isn't it > interesting that TPRS also claims their method is the only way > to teach, also claims their method naturally teaches students > to gain fluency without having to learrn a language like you > "learn" science rules, and also claims all research supports > their method? But ye...See More
Feb 8, 2017
Actually no.. Research actually doesn't "prove" TPRS works; a few studies showed TPRS classes moderately outperformed non TPRS classes. On 2/08/17, Broader observation wrote: > On 5/03/16, An observation wrote: > BUT: Isn't it >> interesting that TPRS also claims their method is the only way >> to teach, also claims their method natur...See More
Feb 27, 2017

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