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A true grammarian and I are debating whether. Se pueden ver las plantas is correct. I view it as passive. The subject b e ing las plantas. Daniel H, does Bull say anything about this.
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Daniel Hanson John,

I don't have Bull's book. I know both forms are correct, depending on whether the speaker is using the impersonal <i>se</i> or using the passive voice with <i>se</i>. I know the Royal Spanish Academy says both options are correct. However, it prefers the passive voice (in other words, the plural form when the ...See More
Dec 9, 2016
Ann I agree with "sra"
Dec 9, 2016
John Boehner Daniel-

I was thinking Butt, but typed Bull. I agree with what you said.
Dec 10, 2016
Jennifer To me "se pueden ver" sounds more natural. I, too, agree that both are correct and that the passive form (pasiva refleja "se pueden ver") is preferred over impersonal ("se puede ver") by RAE. Here are a couple of links with more detail, such as the use of the impersonal form with "personal a": More
Dec 10, 2016
Daniel Hanson Okay. Shall I transcribe what Butt and Benjamin say
regarding this topic? (I would assume they would say
pretty much what Jennifer and I said.) (I wonder what your
grammarian friend was arguing in favor of.)

On 12/10/16, John Boehner wrote:
> Daniel-
> I was thinking Butt, but typed Bull. I agree with what<...See More
Dec 12, 2016

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