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I am doing my yearly budget, does anyone have any suggestions about what supplies, materials, games, organizational items, etc. that they have found to be invaluable in their classroom that they would recommend that I get? Thanks in advance!
Ann 1. Dry erase markers for student white boards 2. Subscription to Bablingua (I did the one year for $100) 3. Subscription to Sr. Wooly 4. Subscription to 5. Teachers Pay Teachers
Dec 12, 2016
jeff [link removed]

On 12/12/16, Ann wrote: > 1. Dry erase markers for student white boards > 2. Subscription to Bablingua (I did the one year for $100) > 3. Subscription to Sr. Wooly > 4. Subscription to > 5. Teachers Pay Teachers > >
Dec 19, 2016
Maria I use conjuguemos without "subscribing." Is it really worth it to subscribe?

On 12/19/16, jeff wrote: > [link removed];
Dec 24, 2016
Ann You can use conjuguemos without paying. In general, it has
been an "honor system" website and I think it's the right
thing to do to pay the (low) subscription fee.
Jan 4, 2017
Ana On 1/04/17, Ann wrote: > You can use conjuguemos without paying. In general, it has > been an "honor system" website and I think it's the right > thing to do to pay the (low) subscription fee.

Soy nueva, solo queria preguntar cual es la pagina web de la que se habla aqui "honor system", por favor me puede deci...See More
Jan 4, 2017

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