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Hi! Even though I've been doing this for awhile, I still get confused on the use of 'Lo' as a DOP for people. I know the differences between the DOP and IOPs but this one always trips me up. (Must be a mental block.) I have never been good at catching when it should be Lo and continuously use Le instead. So, for example:

Lo llamo por telefono= I call him/her Why wouldn't it be Le llamo?

Any advice would be great! :)
kelly On 1/19/17, Sra.M wrote: > Hi! Even though I've been doing this for awhile, I still > get confused on the use of 'Lo' as a DOP for people. I know > the differences between the DOP and IOPs but this one always > trips me up. (Must be a mental block.) I have never been > good at catching when it should be Lo and continuously use > L...See More
Jan 19, 2017
Daniel Hanson With certain verbs, there are some regional variations as well as some differences in meaning when the direct object pronoun is used or the indirect object pronoun. Such is the case with "llamar".

This article on Hispanoteca helped me a while back because I would see this variation in native discourse.

h t t p : / / w w ...See More
Jan 19, 2017
Sra.M Thank you, everyone! It is helping to hear everyone's explanations! I actually understand it better than before. I guess it is a matter of "catching" it and taking that extra second to think before speaking. :)
Jan 20, 2017

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