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Hello, everyone.

I hope you are doing well. I have had this question in the back of my mind for the last little while since “proficiency-based curriculum” has been the new rage. What exactly is it? What does it entail? I frankly admit that I do not remember what constitutes as “proficiency” and what constitutes as “competency” from my college days (if that is what the “proficiency” reference is here). What is the difference between “proficiency-based curriculum” and Communicative Teaching Approach and Direct/Natural Method/Approach?

Thanks in advance
Jennifer From my understanding, with proficiency-based teaching students demonstrate proficiency (mastery) in a given set of skills before moving on to the next set. In a level one class for example, to use a grammar example, you wouldn't say "okay, we've done estar for x number of days, now we're moving on to tener;" it would be "you've mast...See More
Jan 31, 2017
mo prof Sometimes I have heard it called "Standards based curriculum". It focuses on the acquisition and use of skills and not necessarily a "percentage/letter grade". >> >> I hope you are doing well. I have had this question >> in the back of my mind for the last little while since >> “proficiency-based curric...See More
Feb 1, 2017
Useless education jargon.. I am sure it's a new method based on new "proficiency based standards" that are just as vague and useless as the "now outdated" standards. In education classes I made a plan and clicked on the standards I met at random..then I verified my plan could meet that. Later I quit bothering to verify. only one teacher ever gave me a les...See More
Feb 3, 2017
Ron I would say that the focus on the class is proficiency and actually being able to use the language rather than knowing about the language. Student are proficiency enough to use the language and the focus is on communication rather than a focus on grammar concepts.
Feb 6, 2017

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