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I'm having a hard time explaining why 'por' is correct in the following sentence:

Hay mucho trabajo por hacer.

The closest reason I can come up with is "in exchange of/for", but even that sounds a little off. Can someone please help?

Gracias de antemano,

Daniel Hanson Here's results from a simple search on Bing:

"Rule: when followed by an infinitive, to express an action that remains to be completed, use por + infinitive Model: La cena está por cocinar. (Dinner has yet to be cooked.)"

h t t p : / / studyspanish . c o m / grammar / lessons / porpara

On 3/09/17, Ann wrote: >...See More
Mar 9, 2017
Ann Awesome - thank you so much Daniel!
Mar 9, 2017
Sra. D On 3/09/17, Ann wrote: > I'm having a hard time explaining why 'por' is correct in > the following sentence: > > Hay mucho trabajo por hacer. > > The closest reason I can come up with is "in exchange > of/for", but even that sounds a little off. Can someone > please help? > > Gracias de antemano, > > An...See More
Apr 7, 2017

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