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I'm looking for a fun song to start class daily, that HS kids would like, but is not "romantic". I would appreciate any suggestions!
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Ann ¡Me encanta "Volar" - gracias!
yesterday, 2017
AnnMc Dear friend,

i have list for both levels 1 and 2. If you want to contact me, you can send me your email address OR call my school at 901-465-3241 and leave a message for them to ask the spanish 2 teacher to contact you
yesterday, 2017
Ann [email removed]!
Mar 25, 2017
annmc On 3/25/17, Ann wrote:
> [email removed]!

I responded to this email adrs. did you get my questions
about songs???


Mar 30, 2017
Ann I will check again when I get home - ¡y gracias!
Apr 10, 2017

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