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Hello, everyone.

I hope you are doing well. I found out last week that I will be teaching Spanish for Native Speakers Level 2 next school year (probably Spring term). I have taught the Native Speakers class before, but it has been at least 10 years. I am looking forward to the opportunity of using only Spanish with these students as well as the chance to increase my Spanish even more and to use my Mexican modismos. With that being said, I would like to ask for your input on how to deal with these two issues:

1. Spanish profanity – Some students just throw it out there. (I tend to hear it more from males than from females.)

2. Albures and doble sentido – (I hear this, again, most from some males.) The male students, especially, like to joke around and make fun of others. Personally, I do not like the tone it sets in the classroom. It is a distraction, and more importantly, I don’t catch all of it nor can I decipher all of it.

I look forward to ...See More
wendy I deal with the profanity/tone of voice/ putting people down the same way I do in English. Tell them to stop. It's not appropriate for school. They are pretty used to getting to do it in the other classes because the teacher can't understand them but they learn quickly not to go there in my room.
Apr 7, 2017
Granjero Hi Daniel!

I am insanely jealous that your school allows you to have classes geared toward native speakers - I wish it were so here at ours, but we have native and heritage speakers shoved into upper level "Spanish for Gringos" classes... It's frustrating!

When I have had opportunities to teach workshop courses for nativ...See More
Apr 8, 2017
Daniel Hanson On 4/08/17, Granjero wrote: > I am insanely jealous that your school allows you to have > classes geared toward native speakers - I wish it were so here > at ours, but we have native and heritage speakers shoved into > upper level "Spanish for Gringos" classes... It's frustrating!

I can see why that is frustrating. At...See More
Apr 10, 2017

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