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In my textbook, Expresate - Level 2, there is a phrase "Me dieron ganas de llorar." translated as "I felt like crying." I know ganas means desire. My question is on the word dieron. Why is it always plural in my book? Why is it not "Me dio ganas de llorar" if something makes you feel like crying? In English - They gave me desire of crying vs. It gave me desire of crying.

I haven't been on in a long time, but I hope someone can explain this to me.

Thanks! hope
kakm Hope, I have also wondered about that expression in Chapter 7 of Ven conmigo 3.

I do believe that I have seen the expression used with a third-person singular verb form in Old Spanish, but in Modern Contemporary Spanish it seems to always be used with a third-person plural verb form (i.e., with an implicit third-person plural subject). ...See More
May 16, 2017

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