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I am from a small Texas school and I have to choose a textbook by next week. I am thinking Asi se dice. Does anyone use this book and have comments or suggestions? I also have Avancemos, but it is laid out weird, but has great technology. I can use Ipads or I have a grant for new google chromebooks and we use Google Classroom for assignments. The same kids do everything here, play all the sports, academics, robotics and such, so we have to have a way for students who miss a great deal of class time to be able to do classwork on their phone or tablets. Thanks for your help. It is a big responsibility!!
mcaddy Must be nice! I'm at a small Texas school & lots of kids don't have internet access at all. I'm also on deadline for choosing a textbook, but I'm limited to programs that have hard copies of everything. I can't find anything with a 21st century backward design that doesn't have most of its components online only :(
May 18, 2017

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