Our English and Social Studies departments also adopted their books 2 yea...See MoreWe just adopted Autentico Levels 1-3 and have had HORRIBLE problems with the platform and the online book. The book itself is beautiful, but the online book and all the online extras are a NIGHTMARE. We use chrome books and the platform does not work well with this computer. Listening activities are indicated in the books and no listening activities can be found. The online test are poorly done. Students are expected to listen to a selection and then match a picture to what is being said. This would be great if they could see the pics, but they have to scroll down to the answer blank and then cannot see the pics.
We have called the help line repeatedly and have received very little help other that to be told that they are creating a ticket for it. If you do actually talk to someone, they can only write a ticket to escalate the problem. That so far has not produced anything that has been useful.
Our English and Social Studies departments also adopted their books 2 years ago. Pearson set up "Pearson Easy Bridge" so that students would not have to remember several logins. Brilliant idea, if it actually worked. Books disappear on this link, or assignments that I make do not appear even if the book is there. I have lost more teaching time attempting to make assignments appear that I have actually using the assignments. English seems to like their book well enough but Social Studies do not care for theirs either.
In my humble opinion, you should run far and fast from this book. The online organization of teacher resources has been hard to use. Things seem to be buried under several titles and are not obvious. Also, you should note that there are no hard copies of all the teacher resources. Everything has to be printed off.....if you can find it.
My big complaint about the online book is that it does not show page numbers. The kids can only navigate through it by activity number and assignments. This has not worked well in my experience. They have a very hard time finding things if they are not assigned and then the assignments have to show up.
The sales pitch is great. But beware!!!!. We have found this product to be extremely disappointing, underwhelming and falling very short of the great product that was promised us!
One reason that we pu...See MoreWe are still having issues. I had not used the platform for several weeks due to the fact that not all my students could access the assignments. I foolishly thought that maybe something had changed. WRONG!!!!! I had 3 or 4 students in each class unable to see the assignments. If they cannot see it, they cannot do it.
One reason that we purchased this book was to use the listening activities outside of class. This is impossible. I cannot assign a listening activity knowing that some students cannot do their assignment. I am stuck doing listening activities like I did 20 years ago and playing them during class time. The only difference is that I play them on my computer rather than on the CD player.
We are having serious buyer's remorse. We would return this product if possible. Instead, it is the "albatross" around our necks for the next 4 to 5 years.
As pretty as the book is, I cannot recommend it due to the continuing issues that I have had with the online platform.
If the assignment link does not work, it makes a lot of the attraction null and void.
The students have shared that they are still having issues with the other books/classes that use Pearson. RED FLAG WARNING!!!!!
Sra. LahtiI've seen a "little" bit of improvement on the website over the last month or so.... they seem to be on the track to getting their website up to where it should have been, but still not perfect...