LEASE respond to this INCREDIBLY SHORT survey for my thesis course about assessment practices. It is through survey monkey so it is secure and completely ANONYMOUS. It would mean a great deal to me towards getting my Master's. It is only 10 questions and will help me greatly. Thank you so much!!
Dr. Robert Rose, author of Abuses of Power in Education; Challenging Practically Everything (Outskirts Press, 2008), shares insight gained during his radio show dialogue with Dr.Howard Seeman, as they explored their belief in the importance of assertiveness in teachers.
This excerpt reveals ...See MoreLinked below is the first of 4 excerpts we'll be sharing from the new book "On the Same Track: How Schools Can Join the Twenty-First-Century Struggle Against Resegregation" by school administrator Carol Corbett Burris (Beacon Press, March 18, 2014).
Coming soon: an opportunity to win a free copy of the book!
This excerpt reveals surprising, negative effects of school choice.