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Every child wants to succeed. I know this is true. If you want to be successful at motivating the reluctant learner, you will need to believe this as well. In my experience working with students from many different backgrounds, up-bringing, family situations and home lives, every student thrives when he or she feels a sense of accomplishment.

Sure, sometimes this sense of accomplishment comes from getting the teacher to lose her temper or hitting a friend in the head with a well-aimed spitball. Our jobs, then, become refocusing that student’s goal away from those negative accomplishments towards the positive accomplishments – those that equate to success in school and, ideally, in life.

Sounds easy, right? You and I both know, though, that bad habits are hard to break, and students with a habit of looking for success in ways that undermine what we’re doing as teachers can often have the hardest time changing their habits.

When I start a school year...
jana On 6/13/11, In Teachers.Net Gazette wrote: > Every child wants to succeed. I know this is true. If you > want to be successful at motivating the reluctant learner, > you will need to believe this as well. In my experience > working with students from many different backgrounds, > up-bringing, family situations and home lives, every s...See More
Jun 30, 2011

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