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    Before jumping from one strategy to the next, consider these myths...

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    Learning students’ names is a crucial first day step toward a caring relationship and toward building a classroom learning community.

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    The Most Dangerous Phrase in Education

    You are about to be exposed to a highly dangerous and contagious phrase. These words, when used together in a sentence, can be toxic to others, and cause damage that can take years to repair.....
    I have preliminary teaching credentials (earned in April and June of 2011) in english and french, but despite going to about twenty interviews for permanent positions, some of which required an hour-long commute each way, I have not been hired, allegedly owing to my 'lack of experience'. I was hired by three districts as a substitute, but despite w...See More
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    mssumshine On 7/07/12, When the deadline looms, you can apply for an extension wrote: > on your preliminary credential. You are NOT the first teacher > in CA to be stuck in this position, so the law's been relaxed > to give you several extra years of breathing room. > > You can't do BTSA without being Teacher Of Record in a school > classroo...See More
    Nov 13, 2012
    Alex Delgado Actually, clearing a credential is possible for substitute teachers, ymca employees, assistant teachers, even school volunteers. You just have to find a program that allows "unemployed teachers", and pay for it out of pocket of course. A good option is UCLA. And since they have 100&37; online classes, anyone can do it. It takes at lea...See More
    May 22, 2015
    Wait for It… (to Nurture Stduent’s Curiosity) by Abigail Flesch Connors in the March issue of Teachers.Net Gazette

    If your teaching style were a movie genre what would it be? Try this one...
    Pedagogy of Engagement - Compiled by Debbie Ann from Teachers.Net chatboard posts is a popular list. Take a look, and be sure to share the link.
    I had to give my opinion on the hardest part of dealing with cultural differences in a class and explain why we said what we did; fine :). I said the hardest issue is knowing where to draw the line between "cultural differences" vs. unacceptable behavior.

    Examples: I support religious freedom! But does that mean I have to accept...See More
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    Nope.. The assignment wasn't "in the classroom"; it was in general. 90&37; of people said "Accepting that my culture isn't the only valid one". On 12/25/14, me :) wrote: > I had to give my opinion on the hardest part of dealing > with cultural differences in a class and explain why we > said what we did; fine :). I said th...See More
    Jan 4, 2015
    Education classes.. We don't learn how to actually plan..we spend whole weekend writing a plan for one day in our class in a way that pleases x teacher; y teacher will demand a totally different plan. It doesn't matter if the plan would actually be usable..we just have to fill in 8 pages of boxes describing everything from what technology we'd use to why this lesson &...See More
    Jan 4, 2015
    Teachers are loving people who come into the profession to make a difference in the lives of children. Their intentions are good, but when misbehavior occurs, some teachers will, out of sheer frustration, resort to making deals with the students just to survive. You may find some of the following actions by teachers silly and funny, but they are a...See More
    Reality check.. I have NEVER seen or heard of an elementary school teacher who doesn't give students "free time Friday" if they behave (and do their work) of have a "treasure chest" system of some type. I have been both an aide in a K-8 school for many years; I have always floated from classroom to classroom. I have also been a floating Spanish...See More
    Dec 26, 2014
    Students learn to write by writing. E Gads! What a concept! Next thing you know someone will try to convince us that kids learn to walk by walking and learn to read by reading. It is presumptuous to think one can teach writing.

    So in answer to the question, “How Do teachers teach kids to write?” the answer is...
    some good ideas here BUT.. students learned much more in a class where they just wrote for 3 hours a week vs. when a teacher taught? BULL(BLEEP)!! I don't give a rat's ass if a study found that; it is NOT TRUE. Yes we learn to write by writing, but we also learn by being taught how to write. I am so tired of being berated as a teacher for lecturing, explaining, giving exampl...See More
    Dec 24, 2014
    Students, Please email me at: hcps-[email removed]

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