Student Teaching
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    The Responsive Classroom: A Practical Approach for Teaching Children to Care by Dr. Belinda Gimbert:

    [excerpt] Approaching issues of classroom management and discipline is much more than what teachers do when children break rules and misbehave. Rather than simply reacting to problems, we need to establish an ongoing social curriculum, we n...See More
    do and and u help me find miss weaver please
    I am somewhat nervous, not about being a student-teacher but about the teacher who will be my mentor during the internship. I have realized that a teacher has a 101 things to do and my concern is, will this mentor be 110% honest, dedicated and willig to commit herself to my needs as a student-teacher. I am looking forward to being in a positive env...See More
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    alden lagazo On 1/09/10, Eliza wrote: > On 1/08/10, Pat wrote: >> I am somewhat nervous, not about being a student-teacher >> but about the teacher who will be my mentor during the >> internship. I have realized that a teacher has a 101 >> things to do and my concern is, will this mentor be 110% >> honest, dedicated and willig t...See More
    Jan 9, 2010
    It would be nice if the 110% thing was done away with. That is sort of silly and I know, not literal but really, let's keep things realistic. You will undoubtedly have days you do not look forward too - that is the nature of the profession - but you are responsible for how you handle yourself on those days. Your cooperating teacher will do their best but they are only human so expecting...See More
    Jan 12, 2010
    Greetings and welcome to 2010! As an educator, I think you will want to know about this special free learning opportunity later this month:

    On Wednesday, January 20th at 4:00 p.m. Pacific time (7:00 p.m. Eastern time), Gini Cunningham author of The New Teacher Companion: Practical Wisdom for Succeeding in the Classroom (published by ASCD)...See More
    Hello Everyone,

    As many of people once endured, the incredible opportunity of student teaching is approaching and I'm trying to put myself in the best position to succeed...Both professionally and financially. My question is whether or not I will be able to student teach in a state other then where my school is located. I'm currently in a...See More
    JD Your university would have to have an agreement with NC schools. The state does not determine where universities place their student teachers. The state still has to approve all programs offered by each university, but it is ultimately up to your school. Generally speaking, you need to student teach in the state where you want to earn your teaching...See More
    Jan 10, 2010
    RT I just finished my student teaching last month and my school was in another state. It was set-up through a placement supervisor who you would talk to about where you would like to student teach what grade levels and so forth. You would also have to check with your state's process in becoming certified. I had to send my school my state's Institution...See More
    Jan 10, 2010
    I love my placement, it's K5, and the kids and the teacher are wonderful.

    The teacher has the entire year planned out, and doesn't miss a beat during the school day. I'm so nervous about (I'm just observing right now) messing up her routine. I can't teach the exact way she does, obviously, but I also don't know how to design lesson plans,...See More
    JD Well, what I did when I was student teaching was explain to my cooperating teacher that "my university requires that I write lessons based upon inquiry and exploration. Because it is a graduation requirement, and because I am new, I would like your help adapting my lesson plan format to what you have already planned for the year."

    This way...See More
    Jan 20, 2010
    Sara It makes a lot of sense.

    Your lesson plans have to have an objective. Start there. What is she telling you to design lesson plans about? Writing? Math? Social Studies? And what aspect of the subject?

    You can find tons of lesson plans on-line, goodness, you can cadge your lesson plans entirely from on-line if you'd want. Or just t...See More
    Jan 21, 2010
    I have a question for all the veteran teachers. I just started my student teaching in a middle school couple weeks ago. It is an urban school which means that a lot of the kids misbehave. The teacher has so much trouble working with them because they do not listen, bring their materials (books, paper, pencil) and they just do not want to do anythin...See More
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    You have to give before you can get! So what is your side of the story? To be honest you sound like a brat. Why do you not stand for the pledge?? You realize the only reason you HAVE those rights to disrespect this country's flag is because the men and women who have DIED to give them to you, right? Perhaps your teachers are not respecting you because their grandfather was in the Army...See More
    May 29, 2012
    Illinois Hiya kiddo.

    I'm really encouraged by your interest in the constitution. You've done some excellent research. I'm a little concerned with how you've applied it.

    If you look at the posts here, you'll find many teachers share your frustration with a world, that doesn't go by the book.

    So what are you gonna do about it? <...See More
    Jun 5, 2012
    I have educational instruction books I would like to sell as a single lot. This would be the perfect “starter library” for a first or second year teacher, or education student, looking to teach high school. A few classics included, i.e. Harry Wong. Asking price is $50 + shipping. Prefer someone who could pay by PayPal.

    The titles are:...See More
    Hello. My name is Autumn Davis. I will be graduating with my BSHS this fall, November 2010. I want to start getting my "feet wet" & asking for advice on how to get started? Any advice on what to do?
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    Leah Then apply for positions. For help with the interview, click below
    Jan 29, 2010
    Autumn Davis Wow! I just wanted to thank all of you for taking the time to help me. I have received so many amazing responses! Thank you ALL!!! for such great advice ;)

    On 1/29/10, Leah wrote: > Then apply for positions. For help with the interview, click > below
    Jan 29, 2010
    I really need some advice. Or maybe I just need to type this out loud. I am entering week 4 of Student Teaching. It has been overwhelming, exhausting, interesting and more. It has not been horrible, even tho I feel lost most of the time and 99% of the time I am utterly unsure of myself. Mostly, what I have realized is that teaching will not be the ...See More
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    NC God, thing same thing here. I am an older student returning to school and feel as if this student teaching portion is going to drive me crazy. My CT did the same thing. I wanted K-3 and am in 5th. There was a reason I switched from middle grades back down to elementary. The kids are great, but coming in 2nd semester and not know the curriculum (how...See More
    Mar 4, 2010
    Mara I am currently in the same boat many of you were last year: experiencing a student teaching nightmare and contemplating dropping out after many years of work and much money spent on tuition. I was wondering if any of you still felt the same way about teaching? Was it different than student teaching?

    Thank you!

    On 3/04/10, NC wrote...See More
    Feb 20, 2012

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