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I have a question for all the veteran teachers. I just started my student teaching in a middle school couple weeks ago. It is an urban school which means that a lot of the kids misbehave. The teacher has so much trouble working with them because they do not listen, bring their materials (books, paper, pencil) and they just do not want to do anything. They get up from their seats when the teacher is teaching or talking, in few words... it is a mess. So now I have to start teaching little by little but how can I do it when they don't pay attention? I tried today and the students did not stop talking. When you say something they talk back and have no respect at all... Can someone tell me what I should do please? I know that rules and procedures are the most important on the first days but since I'm not the teacher and I didn't start working with them since last year it is hard for me to come and set up my own rules. The kids have just said to me YOU ARE NOT THE TEACHER! what to do? I need...See More
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Allison How do you handle situations such as these when you are only a student doing observations and you are treated in these ways? I don't believe that I have the authority for the two hours I will ever spend at the school to discipline, but I don't feel it is my place to approach the teacher and tell her what is occurring in his or her classroom.
<...See More
Feb 16, 2010
teachers perspective I have a student teacher who is a having a lot of trouble with students not listening, talking out, not staying focused, etc. I have had talks with my students (lots of them) and know that they do not behave this way with subs. I have given my ST tips, advice and an actual plans. It gets to a point where I can do NO is up to the ST to sto...See More
Feb 26, 2010
No need to know You know, as a student, i have learned that teachers think that they own us kids. It is time you listened to our side of the story. I am a student in Ohio and I have had some trouble with the teachers. Like you know, the teachers say that you have to stand out in the hallway just because you dont say the pledge. (which is a violation of Ohio law 33...See More
May 24, 2012
You have to give before you can get! So what is your side of the story? To be honest you sound like a brat. Why do you not stand for the pledge?? You realize the only reason you HAVE those rights to disrespect this country's flag is because the men and women who have DIED to give them to you, right? Perhaps your teachers are not respecting you because their grandfather was in the Army...See More
May 29, 2012
Illinois Hiya kiddo.

I'm really encouraged by your interest in the constitution. You've done some excellent research. I'm a little concerned with how you've applied it.

If you look at the posts here, you'll find many teachers share your frustration with a world, that doesn't go by the book.

So what are you gonna do about it? <...See More
Jun 5, 2012

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