Substitute Teachers
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    looking for sub teacher in a vocational hi school
    Does anyone know the pay for Pinellas County FL?
    Susan Fitzell offers indispensable instructional tips and classroom management techniques!
    When a teacher abdicates structuring a classroom,structure is left to the student. - Harry K. Wong

    What the teacher does in the first five minutes of class determines the effectiveness of the remainder of the session. Are you implementing these important practices? (Click below to read the article)
    It's early in the year but now I find myself stressing out over things that happened over the course of the school day. Like yesterday, I let an eighth-grader pick up her younger sister. Also, I told a another student her older sister misbehaved in my class, and she said she would tell her mom about it. It does not help that I got banned from a sch...See More
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    GTG On 6/25/15, Here is the thread for Amy wrote:

    > On 9/05/14, Ze Povinho part 2 wrote:

    >> Let us now go over some hints that can be used to try

    >> (emphasis on try) to survive the day.


    >> 1. First of all, understand that you want to talk to

    >> admins as little...See More
    Jul 27, 2015
    BLUETTE Not everyone can teach...and subbing is very difficult. I
    know someone who subbed once for one day...and decided it
    wasn't for him.

    I subbed a lot for a few years and have lots of good and
    bad experiences to talk about. I taught in 10 schools in 4
    districts at the start but stayed with one MS-HS after the
    1st year.
    ...See More
    Aug 11, 2015
    To me, subbing was degrading. I'm glad I quit.
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    rachel I would like to hear your opinions about something.

    I sub for two reasons:

    1) I really enjoy the variety and flexibility. Every day is a new adventure.

    2) I suffer from anxiety and depression, and think that having a class of my own would simply overwhelm me.
    Aug 4, 2015
    Jean That's close to my reasons for not continuing on to become a regular teacher. I think I could do it, but my husband will retire in approx. 5 years and I don't want to be working around the clock when we could use that time to travel some. Also, I like the variety of subbing, as you do. I have depression, anxiety, some PTSD (from having grown up wit...See More
    Aug 8, 2015
    Got my first long-term job since my disastrous stint in Philly. I will be teaching ESL in a suburban district for approx 2.5 months. I'm looking forward to it.
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    BJ Yes, I'm certified in ESL. It was fairly easy. You just had to take four courses (12 credits). They've since changed the requirement - now there's an internship and you must pass a praxis exam. I'm looking forward to the smaller classes!

    On 8/05/15, pixie to BJ wrote: > Congratulations, BJ! May I ask if you have education, > experien...See More
    Aug 8, 2015
    Jean Congratulations, BJ!
    Aug 8, 2015
    Thoughts please. You were a sub at a school that had you on the preferred list, and you worked their every other day for 4 years.

    Suddenly, you stop getting calls on the call out system for jobs at that school.

    You are suspicious that something isn't right - something underhanded has been done to you.

    Finally, in an a...See More
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    pixie Ann, the OP did not say that she is too nice. She said, "the principal suggested that I might be too nice." There is a difference. I think we agree that she should not go back there but, with all due respect to your experience, I disagree with your suggestion that the OP "write the principal a letter stating how you feel about the si...See More
    Jul 21, 2015
    Amy On 7/21/15, pixie wrote: > Ann, the OP did not say that she is too nice. She said, "the > principal suggested that I might be too nice." There is a > difference. > I think we agree that she should not go back there but, with > all due respect to your experience, I disagree with your > suggestion that the OP "write t...See More
    Aug 5, 2015
    School starts on Monday, August 24. I did find some part- time work for a few weeks this summer (tutoring and working in a summer rec program), but have not gotten paid yet. It will be nice to be working every day again. I miss the kids, and I'm feeling the financial pinch! Last summer the sub system called me a few times a couple of weeks before s...See More
    BJ Tutoring is up and down (kids cancel, go on vacation, forget to show up); it just does not pay the bills, so I switched to temping. I got a job digitizing documents. I'm getting 40 hours a week, and they only want us till the end of the summer. It's not the most exciting job, but it's a job. I would recommend temp jobs to those of you who don't wan...See More
    Jul 28, 2015
    Has anyone researched/considered traveling to a different state and subbing off/on for a few weeks? For example, I think it could be fun to substitute teach in New England, Alaska, or the South.
    BJ It would be swell to be in Florida for the winter months, but I'm sure you would need certification and maybe need to be a permanent resident of these states. I have dual certification, and I would have to relocate to NJ after a year whether I'm full-time or a daily sub.

    On 6/18/15, Mary Silver wrote: > Has anyone researched/considered ...See More
    Jun 19, 2015
    Terry On 6/18/15, Mary Silver wrote: > Has anyone researched/considered traveling to a different > state and subbing off/on for a few weeks? For example, I > think it could be fun to substitute teach in New England, > Alaska, or the South.

    I did not know that it was possible to be a traveling substitute teacher.. It would be somethin...See More
    Jun 24, 2015

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