Substitute Teachers
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    I know it is only January, but the school year is flying by - about half over already!! I am thinking that if I wait until May to look for summer work, it will be too late. Many employers who hire summer help have plenty of college students who have worked for them in the past, so that is our competition. I did find a summer job last summer at a re...See More
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    pixie I have applied to my neighborhood convenience store, and this weekend I'm going to apply to Home Depot, which, according to their TV ads, is hiring "seasonal" employees and pays "higher than retail average." I looked into the local summer day camps, but don't want to compete with young, athletic college students and older teens....See More
    Feb 12, 2015
    BJ i'm taking the rest of June off for travel. Dont want to
    be around 50 noisy kids, so no summer camp for me. My dad
    recently left me some money so I can afford to get through
    to the summer with my part time job at the learning center
    - work is stimulating, kids are well behaved.

    On 2/12/15, pixie wrote:
    > I have appl...See More
    Feb 17, 2015
    The annual NYCDOE license renewal email said the Dignity & Respect for All Students workshop is required. There was a large list of organizations offering it, but I thought the UFT would be easiest. They are booked months in advance. Does anyone know of an easy alternative?
    I tell them to put it away, and they keep playing with it, I leave their names for the teacher. If there is a video being shown, and the phone is the only thing keeping the kid quiet, I say nothing.

    [link removed]
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    Math Teach I've had kids dial up my classroom number repeatedly. I would answer the phone, and surprise! No one was on the other end of the phone.

    1/28/15, pixie wrote: > Ze, You accurately described the situation that we are > dealing with. I can only add two particulary obnoxious uses > of phones that are impossible to ignore: using the p...See More
    Jan 29, 2015
    BJ When I taught in Philly, kids would make calls in class.
    One time I got so frustrated I grabbed a boy's phone and
    threw it into the corridor. He mom camplained to the
    principal and I had to explain my self. I thought it was

    I let high school students use them as long as they're not
    filming or taking photos. Most...See More
    Feb 5, 2015
    I am glad I don't sub anymore. Horrible for my self esteem.
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    Judy It is difficult to switch locations with my children's schedules and family obligations. Believe me, I would if I could.

    On 1/25/15, Sarah wrote: > > I used to hate it too! Then I had a particularly horrible > day (Zero respect given from students OR staff, ugh! And > even being harassed at the copy machine by another teacher &...See More
    Jan 25, 2015
    Hi Sarah!

    Is your Dad the superintendent of that school! :):):)Just kidding of course!! :):):)

    It is good to see someone have a great experience like yours!

    On 1/25/15, Sarah wrote:


    > I used to hate it too! Then I had a particularly horrible

    > day (Zero respect given from students OR staff,...See More
    Jan 25, 2015

    I have read your numerous posts about how nobody in the schools should be seen as our friends - not the regular teachers, the secretaries, the principals, etc. We should avoid them, especially associating or communicating with them.

    But I was wondering how you feel about other substitutes. Can THEY be trusted? Oftentimes, at l...See More
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    Lafemme On 9/28/14, Ze, so sorry.. wrote:
    > for the loss of your dog. I am very familiar with the
    > loss of pets..........4 children, 6 grandkids and 1 Great
    > Grandkid. All have had pets and gone through "the
    > process". My sympathy is with you. :):)
    >...See More
    Jan 22, 2015
    Lafemme On 1/22/15, Lafemme wrote: > On 9/28/14, Ze, so sorry.. wrote: >> >> >> for the loss of your dog. I am very familiar with the >> loss of pets..........4 children, 6 grandkids and 1 Great >> Grandkid. All have had pets and gone through "the >> process". My sympathy is with you. :):) >> >> ...See More
    Jan 22, 2015
    Good evening to those who still read this board.

    I have covered two kindergarten classes; both have resulted in very close calls in the military dictatorship land.

    One of them contained several students who would not behave at all and would not respond to timeouts or other measures to correct them. The disruption was sustained an...See More
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    Ze Povinho For those of you who think that I am crazy or that I exaggerate when I compare school sites to totalitarian regimes, I speak from over 15 years of experience in having worked under these conditions in the other district that I had to leave. If you haven't experienced such a regime, congrats to you and good for you, and hopefully you will never expe...See More
    Jan 16, 2015
    Why stay there? If I had those difficulties I would leave so fast you would only see a vapor trail. If it was consitant in more than one location, I would find a new line of work!

    On 1/16/15, Ze Povinho wrote: > For those of you who think that I am crazy or that I > exaggerate when I compare school sites to totalitarian > regimes, I speak from ov...See More
    Jan 16, 2015
    So Tuesday I was learning support all day. I was in the same room with the main teacher all day. He seemed cordial, said hi , but he never asked me once what my name was , never even introduced me to the class, not once. It was embarrassing. I had to tell them when I got some in a small group. When they came to me he said "Go to Mrs. R's group...See More
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    anna Although I don't enjoy "learning support" jobs, I occasionally end up in them. Teachers are quirky (and I suppose as a sub, I'm quirky to others as well), so generally when I am learning support, I will introduce myself to the teacher first thing in the morning. "Hi Mr. Jones, I'm subbing for Ms. Smith today. My name is Anna Johnson....See More
    Jan 12, 2015
    Emma K On 1/07/15, Gwen wrote: > So Tuesday I was learning support all day. I was in the same > room with the main teacher all day. He seemed cordial, said > hi , but he never asked me once what my name was , never > even introduced me to the class,

    If you didn't introduce yourself to him (which is just common courtesy) - "Good ...See More
    Jan 13, 2015
    I have a month long assignment teaching 5th grade English. The class has had 2 different teachers. The latest one quit. The class is absolutely out of control. I stay calm and cool and discipline according to school policies, but it is taking up my entire class period. Please help! I have tried so many different things.
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    That is a good policy for..... On 1/07/15, Newman1999 wrote:

    > duct tape and good sturdy closet...but I may not be up to date

    > on current management methods.
    Jan 8, 2015
    That is a good policy for.......
    ....jail time! Since there were no "smileys", I do hope
    they were implied! :):):):) On 1/08/15, That is a good
    policy for..... wrote:
    > On 1/07/15, Newman1999 wrote:
    >> duct tape and good sturdy closet...but I may not be up
    >> to date
    >> on current management methods.
    &g...See More
    Jan 8, 2015
    Happy 2015 to all. Right now where I am there are a lot of illegal fireworks going on.

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    pixie, seconding the message On 1/01/15, Back Attcha Ze! wrote: > > > Nice graphics and message! Wishes for a great year to you > and your loved ones! :):) > > > > > > > > > > > >
    Jan 5, 2015
    Lafemme On 1/01/15, Ze Povinho wrote: > Happy 2015 to all. Right now where I am there are a lot of > illegal fireworks going on. > > Ze

    Happy New year,? Ze. It is nice to see some of our old gang way back, when? I am retired along with my husband.

    But, I miss being with the little ones, yikes. Your family ok? I still know your...See More
    Jan 7, 2015
    Here I am, before school starts, at a holiday faculty/staff party-we subs were invited to join.

    In these parties, you realize full force that you are the eternal outsider. I see that I have absolutely zero in common with these folks. Just listening to the small talk is enough to send me into a state of depression-how can some be so vacuous...See More
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    FL Teacher I can totally relate to what both of you are saying. I'm currently a teacher, been teaching at the same school for 7 years, and I might as well be invisible. Usually I'm okay with it, but I hate school breakfasts, the PTO lunches, and that type of event where I have to worry about where I'll sit and whom I'll talk with. I don't particularly want to...See More
    Dec 19, 2014
    BJ I'm not the most sociable person either but would look at it as a networking opportunity.

    On 12/19/14, FL Teacher wrote: > I can totally relate to what both of you are saying. I'm > currently a teacher, been teaching at the same school for 7 > years, and I might as well be invisible. Usually I'm okay with > it, but I hate scho...See More
    Dec 19, 2014

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