Substitute Teachers
8 Members

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    Good morning.

    This is the last week of vacation for me since school starts after Labor Day.

    I really have had no vacation this summer (pretty much like the rest of the working world which has no summers off). I helped my father with his business and I also took my brother to almost daily forklift lessons. In addition, I have helpe...See More
    pixie to ze Hope your dog is okay. Please let us know how it turns out.

    On 8/29/14, Ze Povinho wrote: > Good morning. > > This is the last week of vacation for me since school starts > after Labor Day. > > I really have had no vacation this summer (pretty much like > the rest of the working world which has no summers off). I >...See More
    Sep 1, 2014
    Ze Povinho Hi!

    My dog, a 15 year old pit bull mix, had her surgery last Tuesday free of charge. She had a mass that kept bleeding.

    The operation was done by one of those philantrophic foundations. I had to repair to their mobile clinic at 7 am. Surgery was done at 9 and I picked her up at 4 pm.

    I must go to a follow up appointment ...See More
    Sep 4, 2014
    Teachers will get a kick out of this collection of school-based groaners by humorist John Wood who reports from the fictional Fuddle River School District. (Be sure to share the link with friends who need a laugh.)
    I substituted for almost 8 years. I left the DOE 2008. It is a very stressful job. Each morning I got up early hoping to receive a call for a subbing assignment. When there is no call, no money is made. It is a lost day.

    The sub teacher is just a title that really means baby-sitter. I was treated like one, too. Subs are typically placed i...See More
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    The rules of posting are clear..... Quote only when NECESSARY!

    The last post ran a quote longer than Rip Van Winkle's beard!

    Just highlight and hit the space bar to eliminate previous messages.

    That way, your post will be nice and clear and not BE LOST in a FREEEEEEEEEEKIN' mile of previous posts!

    Thank you! :):):)
    Aug 27, 2014
    Neutral Observer to Harpazo Harpazo - My post was not directed to you. It was a response to the previous poster's comments. On 8/27/14, harpazo wrote: > On 8/26/14, Neutral Observer wrote: >> Your post clearly reflects your > attitude and most likely why you >> are having difficulty landing a > teaching job. You sound extremely >> pessimistic, negat...See More
    Aug 27, 2014
    To share with your students: Ten important reasons why it matters to work hard, value education, and take school seriously.

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