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It's been a week since I started my LTS. I forgot how grueling daily teaching was, and the block classes feel so long that I give the students a 10-minute mental break. Even though I am here every day, I am still treated like a daily sub. I sign in every day on the sub sheet. I don't mind that. I get weird looks from other teachers when I go through the halls, but the ones in my department are very supportive and the dept head told me I'm doing a great job. They will not give me a laptop (district policy) even though I told them it's for the benefit of my students (they're ESOL; they need lots of visuals, and to be hearing the language!) It's weird that no admins have welcomed me or set foot in my classroom. I'm sure they will be in at some point. Right now, I'm just trying to do my best, to stay organized, to hold students accountable, to do good lessons so I can get some sort of recommendation and something more permanent.
Jean I hope that things go well for you with the LTS, BJ. Our school began today. I didn't have a job (I would have liked) by 10 p.m., so I blocked myself out for today. Turns out that it was a good thing, because my daughter stopped by today to say that tonight (yikes!) would be the best time to have cake and presents for her birthday (which isn't for ...See More
Sep 8, 2015
pixie to Jean Jean, Please accept my condolences on the loss of your mom. My mom died several years ago and I still miss her a lot. She was always there for me, and her unconditional love and support is irreplaceable. I do believe that loved ones can contact us from the afterlife, so I hope you can take some comfort from your mom's messages and from the healing...See More
Sep 9, 2015
Jean (to Pixie) Thanks, Pixie. I am sorry for your loss, as well. I'm not sure how I will get through this, but there is nothing else to do but keep moving forward the best that I can. I have a job scheduled for Monday - ESL. I hope that I don't end up crying on the way to work as I did when I first went back last year. I know that it's good for me to be there to ...See More
Sep 12, 2015

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