Substitute Teachers
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Today I subbed for a teacher in a middle school.

As in most middle schools, "teams" of teachers have regular meetings. For me, it would have been a free period, except that I was asked to make copies for the teacher I was in for- no problem.

What I DID see was a request to ask another teacher if she wanted copies made. Huh? I'm subbing for ONE teacher only.

Last year, I was a "regular" teacher with my own classroom. I got RIF'd at the end of the year. I've had subs subbing for me, and I wouldn't have even DREAMED about asking them to make copies for my cohorts, and wouldn't have asked to make copies for me either. I appreciate that a sub could be new to the building, may not know how to use a copy machine like ours, etc.

So sick of being treated like dirt when working as a sub.
pixie to math teach Feel free to vent anytime. I think all subs can relate. It is wonderful when we have that free period, but often we are called upon to file papers in the office or make copies for whomever. We just smile and say "Sure!" and hope that our willingness to do the extra stuff will be noticed. Then we vent on this board.

On 12/10/15, ...See More
Dec 10, 2015

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