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This is my 13th or 14th week in this LTS job in an autism classroom. I am having a blast, but am ready to go back to retirement. I decided that May 6th will be my last day if the teacher is not released to return to work. She sees the doctor tomorrow, so may be released to return to work on Thursday. There is an all day field trip on Thursday. Four of the students are going on the field trip with me (teacher) and a para. If she returns I will sub for the remaining students. We'll see what happen. If she does not return, Friday will be my last day. I am getting small gifts for the paraprofessionals as thank- you gifts for helping me learn the routines and putting up with my antics as a teacher. Kathy
BJ Friday is my last day. I found another temp job. I won't be making as much as subbing - only 11 an hour - but at least it is a guaranteed income for the summer months. I will continue pet sitting and plan to do some more reporting. Today started off terrible. The teacher left no plans, and the students wanted to talk rather than read the essay. I t...See More
May 3, 2016
Kathy with more... The teacher still has restrictions so will not be returning tomorrow. HR needs to figure out if she can work with restrictions. I think HR needs to visit the classroom. All they will see is 9 students and 4 adults and think it will work. It won't. Oh well. My last day will be Friday. I could go one more week, but I am tired. My house remodeling wil...See More
May 4, 2016

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