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    There is an opening still for a school psychologist. They just sent the announcement again yesterday to National Association of School Psychologists' job board. Do you think this means they have not recived very many applications? They posted it previously in late October.
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    D. Thomas I would probably take a job at Bonn, although we are hoping to stay in Asia for a few more years to try and save some money before heading to Europe.

    India is not really on the menu for me. I know some people who are relatively happy there, but not for me.

    I would be interested in Bangkok and would consider Concordia. They do have...See More
    Dec 1, 2011
    School Psyc With children approaching college age, it would be nice to put some extra money into savings. Thanks,

    On 12/01/11, D. Thomas wrote: > I would probably take a job at Bonn, although we are hoping to stay in > Asia for a few more years to try and save some money before heading to > Europe. > > India is not really on the menu fo...See More
    Dec 2, 2011
    So Dave, are you on a two year contract? Or have you applied to any other schools for next year (or are you still undecided about staying or going)?

    I wouldn't mind staying in Beijing for a couple more years, but I would like to move over to one of the mainstream international schools.

    We are also registered to go to Search Bangko...See More
    Dave Im on a three year contract (first year probationary, and has a no fault exit clause).

    I've applied to several schools both teaching an admin. The problem is with minimal admin experience, the admin school positions are not places i really want to be, and the teaching positions while nice, arent admin positions. Im still undecided I suppo...See More
    Dec 1, 2011
    I sent my cover letter and resume to Bonn School tonight. However, I could not find any compensation information listed and they are not showing their vacancies for next school-year.

    Will we be able to afford living there? I have a husband, who will have to either be a stay at home dad, substitute, or look for other potential work; and I ...See More
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    Dave This is before Taxes. Your personal income tax would be 14%, there is then the municipal tax rate of about 14%. The school pays 50% of your social security/pension, your share is 9% of income. So your tax rate all together is about 37%. You dont pay taxes until after 6 months, but you begin making social security/pension contributions immediately. ...See More
    Dec 1, 2011
    School Psyc Thank you.

    On 12/01/11, Dave wrote: > This is before Taxes. Your personal income tax would be 14%, there > is then the municipal tax rate of about 14%. The school pays 50% of > your social security/pension, your share is 9% of income. So your > tax rate all together is about 37%. You dont pay taxes until after > 6 months, b...See More
    Dec 2, 2011
    Does anyone know what it is like teaching at CAISL in Lisbon? Pros/cons. I already have been to their website but want to hear from first-hand experience if someone on this board has been there before.
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    Dave Ive never been there sorry, I alo don't know anyone in my years of experience who has so I never even heard anything about them.

    On 12/04/11, OP wrote: > On 12/04/11, School Psyc wrote: >> Do you know what openings they have available? >> >> On 12/04/11, Abroad maybe wrote: >>> Does anyone know what it is li...See More
    Dec 4, 2011
    D. Thomas There are some reviews on International Schools Review for this school. Overall, very mixed and more to the negative reviews. Students ok, admin a bit clueless/cold, some questions about contracts after arriving in country, low pay.

    Love the country/area. Possibly an ok IB school to get your experience in that area. Many teachers try to le...See More
    Dec 5, 2011
    Anyone out here have any info on Bali International School? Reputation, lifestyle, package, etc?
    I'm interested in a biology position at the International School of Neustadt in Germany. Does anyone know what life is like there for a teacher or a foreigner. Any perspective would be appreciated.
    Wanderlust Hi Pammy,

    I've travelled in that region alot while I was working in Europe. Germany is very easy to get around and fairly easy to communicate for a non-German speaker as many Germans speak English, especially in the larger centers. I have a friend who has lived near Neustadt for the past three years with her husband and three kids and they...See More
    Dec 8, 2011
    Hi all,

    I'm interested in a potential opening at an American international School in Rome. Having done some research, what from I've widely read, it's tough to live comfortably on a teaching salary in Rome, given the high rent and taxes. Can anyone comment on the cost of living (as a single person) in Rome? I'm also a bit worried as to the...See More
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    Dave Sorry OFS, stands for "Overseas Family School" its a common name (or some combination of it) that was popular back in the 80's when the DOS or embassy school was pretty much the only real international school in a region. For instance the American school in Rome ([link removed]).

    For a while OS (Overseas School) in general was used but it...See More
    Feb 22, 2012
    Roma- La citta' piu' bella del mondo In regards to living in Rome on a teacher's salary, it's definitely doable. I lived in Rome for a year. If you know how to budget your money it's a piece of cake. I would recommend 1st to get an apartment with roomates, because then you will only be paying around 4-600 euros a month. During the week I would make my own breakfast in the morning and ...See More
    May 19, 2013
    Hello, As a very experienced teacher of History, English, RS, Geography, Business Studies and Media (it was originally just History, but it seems like I have taught everything!), over the years I have made a log of every new lesson activity that I have ever used and developed. I have found this log to be extremely useful as before I plan a lesson, ...See More
    Hello all - I was wondering if anyone can offer some general info. on Int'l. schools. I am pursuing my 1'st Intl. job and was wondering when hiring wraps up for the season. I have been told it is done much earlier than traditional schools gien the time needed to visas, travel arrnagements, etc. I am signed up with Search Assoc. and my advisor says ...See More
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    Rookie Abroad Thanks for the info. Dave that's pretty much what I was looking for. Heck, I thought 10 schools by mid Dec. was pretty good. I am willing to pretty much consider anywhere except a desert climate (don't do the heat). I'm basically applying to schools that I think would be a good fit for me and the salary/package is reasonable. I am in a position now...See More
    Dec 11, 2011
    Dave Can I be honest? Your probably over shooting. I imagine most of the schools your looking at are the "american" schools overseas and most of those are the elite schools. You dont just "walk into' one of those positions. You need IB experience, international experience, certifications, and at least a masters. Youve got some of that but your missing s...See More
    Dec 11, 2011
    Hello fellow teachers.

    I work as vice-principal of a bilingual school in Ecuador. The government has added a new subject to next year´s curriculum for 10th graders: "Development of Philosophical Thinking." We´ve decided to teach this subject in English. The problem is we have no materials to teach the class, not even in spanish yet. Any ...See More
    Dave Hi, I see two apparent approach's to the subject/class. Either:

    1) As a general epistemology class with an introduction/survey of humanities (psychology???) and philosophy (logic???).

    2) What it sounds like to me is an implementation of the IBO's (IB, International Baccalaureate) T"heory of Knowledge" (called TOK) program. Sever...See More
    Dec 22, 2011

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