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    So since its so cold here (Rome is freezing), hows the trip to Phuket going? Laying on the beach sipping drinks out of coconuts? It's really a shame your married. You could be getting into so much trouble....

    My friend Greg teaching in Bangkok and I have been debating whether he should visit me here or I should visit him there. So how is ...See More
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    Dave I take it you like spicy food? Well let us all know how the water was. Baby elephants sound so cute....

    On 1/31/11, D. Thomas wrote: > > Weather in Phuket has been great. A little overcast for some > of the time, but still warm and breezy. Today's the best sun > of the trip so far, so we're off the to beach and water park >...See More
    Jan 31, 2011
    Dave Well if you ever get "bored" of the family thing and you head to Bangkok try the Caribbean Club 622 Prachauthit Road (near Meng Jai intersection), Tel. 2690-3548

    On 1/31/11, Dave wrote: > I take it you like spicy food? Well let us all know how the water > was. Baby elephants sound so cute.... > > > On 1/31/11, D. Thomas wro...See More
    Feb 1, 2011
    Hi Mary Chinese International School in Honk Kong, has a posting for a new school counselor position.

    [link removed]
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    Dodds Teacher Good Point

    On 2/01/11, Mary wrote: > I have a child who will be in high school soon. Most international > schools have instruction in English. Learning a second langague is > fine and living in another country will definately help with that, but > for the science, history, math instruction, etc. to actually be taught > in a...See More
    Feb 1, 2011
    Dave Well I can understand your concerns, but first CIS is an IB school so he wouldn't be working on his diploma until 11th and 12th grade. Second, this is Hong Kong, and the salary is high enough you could send him to an all english school. There are plenty.

    On 2/01/11, Mary wrote: > I have a child who will be in high school soon. Most int...See More
    Feb 1, 2011
    Just wondering with all of the events going on in Cairo, will American teachers from those international schools also leave? I certainly hope so.
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    Dave The American School (DOS) has already evacuated as well as the American University.

    On 1/31/11, Debbie wrote: > That is some scary stuff going on over there. > > On 1/31/11, Mary wrote: >> Yes, in addition to other foreign teachers. Most have >> already been evacuated, or will be soon. Most international >> scho...See More
    Jan 31, 2011
    Mary International School Reviews has a few Blogs on the situation. I just scanned through the first one. Several teachers and friends of teachers who are/were in Egypt responded. It seems that the overall feeling is that the riots are against the government and that foreigners are not being targeted. Also, that the riots are not EVERYwhere as shown on ...See More
    Feb 1, 2011
    Ha! My one interview... Cancelled! My wife is a School Social Worker/Counselor currently. They wanted someone with more college guidance experience. Oh well, only 3 more schools left that need both of us. Maybe next year we need to go to the fairs? But if you are an admin looking for a Bio teacher and Counselor let me know ;) wink, wink, nudge, nud...See More
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    JD I will try this one last time. Apparently you can't post links. Add the appropriate beginning, you are el after tiny, dot see oh em to the end to enable the link. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I will anyway.

    tiny you are el dot see oh em /24lgln6

    On 2/02/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Trebuchets are awesome! I made them with ...See More
    Feb 3, 2011
    D. Thomas Very cool! We looked at some videos like this to get some ideas for designs, materials/dimensions of the sling etc. I particularly liked one where they were firing flaming pumpkins.

    On 2/03/11, JD wrote: > I will try this one last time. Apparently you can't post links. > Add the appropriate beginning, you are el after tiny, dot see o...See More
    Feb 3, 2011
    Hi, I'm wondering on your opinions of which (if any!) is the best job fair to go to when looking for an international teaching position. I've been in the Peace Corps twice and went to the UNI fair once (and got a two year position in Guatemala). When looking at this year's list of attendees, UNI seems to have a limited variety of places... I'm curr...See More
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    Dave -> Thomas I was kinda shocked too, but thats my principals opinion. I look around though and the lower primary grades are usually staffed by a majority of "younger" teachers, and upon reflection of the places I've taught (including much of asia) I think thats a pretty accurate generalization. Given it's only a generalization, and I know plenty of exceptions....See More
    Feb 5, 2011
    D. Thomas Well, a large percentage of elementary teachers are younger and female in the US which is more of a statement about demographics than hiring preferences. Int'l schools are obviously more selective, but I would guess it makes sense that there is still a large percentage there too. My experience and perception is that schools generally like a mix of ...See More
    Feb 5, 2011
    looking into international schools.

    I am:

    1) single parent-need advice re: which countries friendly, which difficult for single MOM

    2) 6 year exp science/special ed

    3) looking to live comfortably/save

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    Dave *Sigh*

    On 2/05/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Is that what they call it in Bangkok (and does it cost more than 500 > baht)? :-D > > On 2/05/11, Dave wrote: >> Taking the high road... >> >> On 2/05/11, k wrote: >>> D. >>> I have one child so that works out neatly. I was looking at >>> Bangko...See More
    Feb 5, 2011
    Dave -> K High Road...

    On 2/05/11, k wrote: > Com e on Dave - a little harmless fun. Granted it's at your expense but I > think you can roll with it after all the drama on the boards that swirls > around you. Pour a glass of super tuscan & kick back! > > On 2/05/11, D. Thomas wrote: >> Is that what they call it in Bangkok (...See More
    Feb 5, 2011
    Do international schools normally offer retirement packages? I teach in a private (Episcopal) prep school that not only pays well but offers a great retirement deal. I'm looking for a change but hate to give up all the perks. Another random question--does the typical international school have a large turnover? My family hosted an exchange student w...See More
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    Curious > Dave "a lot of westerners start getting tired of the work ethic" This kid was lazier than sin... and was way full of himself. He had no work ethic whatsoever. But he came from a wealthy family, and I am assuming had never had to do for himself. Probably not the norm in China. On 2/05/11, Dave -> Curious wrote: > Some schools do, but most retiremen...See More
    Feb 5, 2011
    Dave -> Curious Im sorry i ddint explain well, chinese schools and admins expect a lot out of their teachers. It can sometimes seem like a never ending road of work

    On 2/05/11, Curious > Dave wrote: > "a lot of westerners start getting tired of the work ethic" This > kid was lazier than sin... and was way full of himself. He had > no work eth...See More
    Feb 6, 2011
    More advice taken as I have applied to a position in Bangladesh. School looks nice enough but, wow. That region can be very challenging. Any experiences, thoughts or criticisms?
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    Dave I got the impression that in JD's first round he was applying to mainly asian schools??? As far as asian schools go though I have to disagree, the principal may not be asian but the people in human resources most likely are, and they are the ones you deal with unless the principal wants to interview you, which would render the issue of feedback mot...See More
    Feb 9, 2011
    D. Thomas Maybe. But I still recall applying to many schools in Asia that went directly to the principal. Some I heard from (usally close to a fair) many I didn't.

    On 2/09/11, Dave wrote: > I got the impression that in JD's first round he was > applying to mainly asian schools??? As far as asian schools > go though I have to disagree, the p...See More
    Feb 9, 2011
    Hi Everyone. Hopefully this topic won't get flamed, but I'm really interested in learning more about teaching abroad. From the limited research I've done, most, if not all, countries require a BS or BA as a minimum, which I do have. I also understand that it's very difficult to land a position in Europe. I would really like more information from pe...See More
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    Murri On 2/12/11, Dave wrote: > I should have been more specific. There is a preference in many asian > countries for white people, that doesn't mean its 'bad" for colored > people. Most of the complaints I've heard are regarding getting hired. As > I said the preference is towards white people, and at private schools that > is one of the ...See More
    Feb 12, 2011
    SchoolPsyc You may want to join "International Schools Reviews." It only costs $25. You could follow the links to the schools in Japan to search their employment vacancies, apply, and send CVs. You could also get a better idea of the positives and negatives of each school in Japan.

    I wish you the best of luck. I am sure you will have a great experien...See More
    Feb 12, 2011
    I've been following this forum a lot, and wanted to ask straight up. Wha'ts the easiest way of getting a teaching position in Japan. Im certified in science, and a few other areas, but I want to teach science. I want to live and teach in Japan though and all I find are ALT jobs (I dont want to teach ESL) and they pay very little. What am I doing wr...See More
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    D. Thomas Well, then you're just going to have to try and be at the right place at the right time. I do recall some science jobs being open at a few decent schools in Japan earlier on in the season. I'll let you know if anything posts in the near future, but you may need to start planning ahead for next year.

    On 2/15/11, Richard wrote: > Simply p...See More
    Feb 15, 2011
    TiredTeacher [link removed]

    They had just about as many listings as ISS did and it's a whole lot cheaper to join.

    I've heard the UNI international education job fair they have in Iowa is a good place for first timers, but I guess you need to join one of the big recruiters to attend that? Can't really remember.

    Good luck! Hope you'r...See More
    Feb 20, 2011

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