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Should I email, snail mail, call or just wait?

Thomas, I took your advice and had my wife apply to counselor only jobs with a suggestion that they could use me (science or sub). As it stands we have applied to 21 schools total. Some Tier I (6ish), Tier II (8ish) and a few no names. Maybe 3 or so left before I'm completly done.

Advice on how to proceed is appreciated.

PS I have had one straight out thanks but no thanks.
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JD OK, good to know. I will settle down now. I'm not in a rush perse, just trying to keep my eye on the ball.

On 1/16/11, Dave -> JD wrote: > Well JD based on your first post, its way to early, and even > if it was later in the season. It hasn't been long enough yet. > Honestly, you dont want to come off a desperate. Really, >...See More
Jan 16, 2011
D. Thomas Hey JD:

It sounds as if you have diversified your search which could be a good thing and at least increase your chances of getting some interest and possibly an offer. If it is just for one of you, then you would have to consider is closely (but are certainly not under any obligation should the numbers etc not add up to your comfort level)...See More
Jan 17, 2011
JD Some good advice to consider.

On 1/17/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Hey JD: > > It sounds as if you have diversified your search which could be a > good thing and at least increase your chances of getting some > interest and possibly an offer. If it is just for one of you, then > you would have to consider is closely (but are c...See More
Jan 17, 2011
Dave -> JD My experience is that it's either feast or famine, either the schools are very responsive and want to move fast or ther's nothing from them (your lucky to get a "no thank you" response). You also should understand that in most asian cultures (asian managed schools) you dont hear "no" directly. If you dont hear from them they dont want you at that t...See More
Jan 18, 2011
Dave -> Thomas There was a guy named Joel I met in Thailand who did exactly what you said instead of going to the fair (and paying) he emailed the schools and arranged for them (the ones that were interested) to come to HIM. He met them at a pub/bar (which is where I met him). He had about 4 interviews while I was there. BRILLIANT idea, no waiting in line, and no...See More
Jan 18, 2011

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