Teachers Abroad
18 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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Welcome to the chatboard. Please understand that some of the posts to which you are resonding are several months old and the person who posted the original message may or may not be reading the chatboard messages anymore. I hope you stay with us for a long time and look forward to reading more of your posts.

Sincerely, Mary (School Psychologist)
hi Mary Hi Mary,

Yes I saw that they were old. But people are frequently looking for jobs in Korea so I thought my comments could be helpful to people who come here looking for info about that. As for the poster who was looking for the job in Chennai, I'd really like to hear about his/her current experience since I just left India recently. I was ...See More
Jan 23, 2011
Mary I was the one who posted the question about chennai, because the director had responded to my letter of intent and CV. He asked if I would be interest in interviewing via Skype. I am still trying to sell my house and after reading reviews on International Schools Review, I graciously turned down the interview.

On 1/23/11, hi Mary wrote: &g...See More
Jan 23, 2011

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