Teachers Abroad
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In my search for the choice jobs teaching overseas, I came across a school that would give 4 (four) dependents "tuition free". This certainly a school I want to look into. Problem is I did not save the name of the school much less the e-mail address. Does anyone know of International Schools who give 4 dependents tuition free as part of the benefits?
D. Thomas Hmmm. That is a generous practice to have as a published policy. I've seen schools grant 4 spaces on an individual basis for a teaching couple that they really wanted, but it is a bit unusual.

I'll take a look and see if I find anything matching that description.

On 1/22/11, Randall wrote: > In my search for the choice jobs tea...See More
Jan 22, 2011
Dave -> Randall WOW thats pretty generous especially if the position was advertised that way. It's very unusual for for tuition waivers to be granted for a single working parent. It's more common with 2 working parents that the school really wants (the other being that in most countries such a large apartment would be prohibitivly expensive or not really available...See More
Jan 23, 2011

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