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Ha! My one interview... Cancelled! My wife is a School Social Worker/Counselor currently. They wanted someone with more college guidance experience. Oh well, only 3 more schools left that need both of us. Maybe next year we need to go to the fairs? But if you are an admin looking for a Bio teacher and Counselor let me know ;) wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more eh. Oh, and I have experience making really large trebuchets. Just sayin, because I do.
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D. Thomas Trebuchets are awesome! I made them with my class last year (small ones) and we then all assaulted a castle I made out of toilet paper rolls. Big fun!

On 2/01/11, JD wrote: > Ha! My one interview... Cancelled! My wife is a School > Social Worker/Counselor currently. They wanted someone with > more college guidance experience. Oh w...See More
Feb 2, 2011
JD Well, I don't feel like they were all top schools but they did pay more than 20K/year. 20K converts to like $3000. You really mean to say I could live off of $3000 a year? Am I missing something, because that doesn't sound right?

On 2/01/11, Dave -> JD wrote: > Really school psyc./counselor positions are much less common > and in...See More
Feb 2, 2011
Dave -> JD No I mean ¥20K RMB per MONTH. You could live on ¥10K RMB/month and be OK. You wouldn't be living well, but consider this almost all your money is discretionary. To give you an idea at my schools I worked at in China:

1)Your housing is provided by the school, your utilities are paid by the school (at most you would have is cell phone...See More
Feb 2, 2011
JD I will try this one last time. Apparently you can't post links. Add the appropriate beginning, you are el after tiny, dot see oh em to the end to enable the link. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I will anyway.

tiny you are el dot see oh em /24lgln6

On 2/02/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Trebuchets are awesome! I made them with ...See More
Feb 3, 2011
D. Thomas Very cool! We looked at some videos like this to get some ideas for designs, materials/dimensions of the sling etc. I particularly liked one where they were firing flaming pumpkins.

On 2/03/11, JD wrote: > I will try this one last time. Apparently you can't post links. > Add the appropriate beginning, you are el after tiny, dot see o...See More
Feb 3, 2011

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