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Hi, I'm wondering on your opinions of which (if any!) is the best job fair to go to when looking for an international teaching position. I've been in the Peace Corps twice and went to the UNI fair once (and got a two year position in Guatemala). When looking at this year's list of attendees, UNI seems to have a limited variety of places... I'm currently a PreK teacher (bilingual, I speak Spanish), but have taught Kinder, first and second grades (and various combinations of them). I wouldn't mind going to a Spanish speaking country, but am very interested in any place interesting. I'm a "vetran" teacher (this is my 23rd year teaching) and wonder if my age (45) will be a factor in getting interviews/hired. (I'm thinking of starting the applications next fall for next year's job fairs). Any advice is appreciated. thanks, Kirsten
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D. Thomas Just curious, which regions/locations would being 45 possibly be an issue?

On 2/04/11, Dave -> Kirsten wrote: > The two big recruiting companies Search Associates (SA) and > International School Services (ISS) hold the "Big" highly > attended job fairs. Their list of Job Fairs can be found here > > [link removed]
Feb 4, 2011
Dave Europe to start, at the first through third grade level they tend to like the teachers younger. I asked my principal and all else being equal hed prefer hiring a candidate in her 20s for 1st grade, then someone in her 40's....

On 2/04/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Just curious, which regions/locations would being 45 possibly be > an issue?...See More
Feb 4, 2011
D. Thomas I know you'll be shocked that I disagree with you. Or at the very least I think that's a massive over generalization. OK, so the region/location where being in your 40's could be an issue is in the elementary (1st-3rd grade), at your school, in Rome. Good to know! :D

On 2/04/11, Dave wrote: > Europe to start, at the first through third ...See More
Feb 4, 2011
Dave -> Thomas I was kinda shocked too, but thats my principals opinion. I look around though and the lower primary grades are usually staffed by a majority of "younger" teachers, and upon reflection of the places I've taught (including much of asia) I think thats a pretty accurate generalization. Given it's only a generalization, and I know plenty of exceptions....See More
Feb 5, 2011
D. Thomas Well, a large percentage of elementary teachers are younger and female in the US which is more of a statement about demographics than hiring preferences. Int'l schools are obviously more selective, but I would guess it makes sense that there is still a large percentage there too. My experience and perception is that schools generally like a mix of ...See More
Feb 5, 2011

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