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Do international schools normally offer retirement packages? I teach in a private (Episcopal) prep school that not only pays well but offers a great retirement deal. I'm looking for a change but hate to give up all the perks. Another random question--does the typical international school have a large turnover? My family hosted an exchange student who attended a boarding school in Chongqing, China and he said that the American teachers normally just lasted a couple of years. Just curious why that would be. He didn't seem to know.
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Dave -> Curious Some schools do, but most retirement systems are based on government pensions. The high end elite schools usually ahve low turnover the second tier and lower schools usually do. One of the things with China, is if you dont marry their and start a family and start looking at making it a life time gig, a lot of westerners start getting tired of the w...See More
Feb 5, 2011
Dave -> Thomas You can also choose to pay the 15% self employment tax if you wanted to build social security credits.

On 2/05/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Some schools do offer some type of payment into a retirement > fund, but most (of the better schools) just give you a yearly > gratuity (10%, give or take of your regular salary) in cash > that ...See More
Feb 5, 2011
Dave Sounds like ESL teachers.

On 2/05/11, Curious wrote: > Thanks for the response. I don't know that where our Chinese > "son" attended school was an "international" school. It was a > boarding school but perhaps was just a Chinese High School that > hired Americans to teach English. I do know that they provided > housing for ...See More
Feb 5, 2011
Curious > Dave "a lot of westerners start getting tired of the work ethic" This kid was lazier than sin... and was way full of himself. He had no work ethic whatsoever. But he came from a wealthy family, and I am assuming had never had to do for himself. Probably not the norm in China. On 2/05/11, Dave -> Curious wrote: > Some schools do, but most retiremen...See More
Feb 5, 2011
Dave -> Curious Im sorry i ddint explain well, chinese schools and admins expect a lot out of their teachers. It can sometimes seem like a never ending road of work

On 2/05/11, Curious > Dave wrote: > "a lot of westerners start getting tired of the work ethic" This > kid was lazier than sin... and was way full of himself. He had > no work eth...See More
Feb 6, 2011

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