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I've been following this forum a lot, and wanted to ask straight up. Wha'ts the easiest way of getting a teaching position in Japan. Im certified in science, and a few other areas, but I want to teach science. I want to live and teach in Japan though and all I find are ALT jobs (I dont want to teach ESL) and they pay very little. What am I doing wrong? Can somebody help?
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Richard Is there something I should highlight or focus on when applying? What do you really think my chances/odds are?

On 2/12/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Then either work your way through the schools on the JCIS website > or.. > > try google...japan..international schools...and find > recruitment..vacancies...employment....on the schoo...See More
Feb 13, 2011
D. Thomas Well, basically your strength is your degree and certification in Science (which is a high needs field). Your experience is a good news/bad news thingg (3 years is basically the minimum to be taken seriously, many people will have more).

Any kind of overseas experience would be a plus. Many schools will prefer experience with an IB program...See More
Feb 14, 2011
Richard Simply put, it has nothing to do with getting "A job" and everything to do with living in Japan....

On 2/14/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Well, basically your strength is your degree and certification in Science > (which is a high needs field). Your experience is a good news/bad news > thingg (3 years is basically the minimum to be take...See More
Feb 15, 2011
D. Thomas Well, then you're just going to have to try and be at the right place at the right time. I do recall some science jobs being open at a few decent schools in Japan earlier on in the season. I'll let you know if anything posts in the near future, but you may need to start planning ahead for next year.

On 2/15/11, Richard wrote: > Simply p...See More
Feb 15, 2011
TiredTeacher [link removed]

They had just about as many listings as ISS did and it's a whole lot cheaper to join.

I've heard the UNI international education job fair they have in Iowa is a good place for first timers, but I guess you need to join one of the big recruiters to attend that? Can't really remember.

Good luck! Hope you'r...See More
Feb 20, 2011

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