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Hi I don't know if this is the right place or not. I was just offered a position in Sweden, and wanted some information on salary on cost of living. I'm being offered a salary of 28,000 Kroner a month, plus relocation expenses (flight so far, and am negotiating one month salary up front), and the state health insurance. I've read that it can be very expensive to live in Sweden? Does anyone know how this salary would compare against living in the economy? Is it below, above, or right at average?

Thanks a bunch for any help.
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School Psyc Yes, I am Mary, not her headhunter.

On 2/25/11, Dave -> Everyone wrote: > Does DODEA take over everything??? I'm busy for one week and this is > what happens. > > Dave: (Can i call you Paul?), LOL. I hear where you are coming from. > I'm single too (well not married no kids, etc) and I know where your > coming from whe...See More
Feb 25, 2011
School Psyc As for what I have been up to...

I have applied to an accredited university that offers an online masters program in special education at resident rates for nonresidents.

The house is still here and we are still saving money for a potential move.

My application is current with DoDDS and DDESS, but I plan to remain in my c...See More
Feb 25, 2011
Dave -> Thomas Well it goes without saying hiring would be a lot easier with an unlimited budget and no limitations.

I have to say DoDDS does seem to have fewer debbie downers then a majority of other schools.

If you make it to Italy let me know when your in Rome, would love to share a meal and some wine. I was going to go to Thailand this Sum...See More
Feb 25, 2011
Dave -> School Psyc Ah, so you are Mary's alter ego???, LOL it's good to hear from you. Yes May is coming around time to confirm my application with DODEA again.

How are the economic forces in your state and district going??? I keep hearing on BBC about the Madison teachers in Wisconsin, and how all the public schools are broke.

On 2/25/11, School ...See More
Feb 25, 2011
School Psyc I don't think we will be losing school psyc positions and if we do, one will be moving out of the area. I wouldn't expect us to lose more than one position, but you never know.

On 2/25/11, Dave -> School Psyc wrote: > Ah, so you are Mary's alter ego???, LOL it's good to hear from you. Yes May > is coming around time to confirm my ...See More
Feb 25, 2011

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