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Seems like ages since I've heard from you. Didn't want to "hijack" the DOD forum. What have you been up too? IB exams this month here. Take ours Monday, starting next week. Any developments with you?
D. Thomas Yeah, too many haters, trolls and just touchy people over there lately. I try to stay under the radar.

Things are pretty good, kind of stressful at work. Planning for next year. We're trying to plan a trip for the summer. It's still looking like Italy so far. You'll have to let me know if you will still be there over the summer. Any tips f...See More
May 4, 2011
Dave What's the stress about?

I haven't decided about staying or moving to France for next year. I will not be staying most of the summer in Rome (my apartment becomes way too expensive), I'm leaving in July. Well the St. Petersburg area of Rome is the cheapest, close to the vatican. I might be able to get you a 35 Euro/night stay at the Marri...See More
May 6, 2011
D. Thomas Stress? More students, possibility of moving locations, PITA parents, challenging students etc. Some other things I'm forgetting I am sure.

35 euros sounds very interesting. Tell me more! We're probably going to be doing the usual Rome sights mostly. I'm very interested in Roman history, and seeing classic artwork etc. Food, wine, relaxing...See More
May 6, 2011
Dave Well I'm supposed to have already told them, so either way I'd be making someone unhappy with me. Well I'd need to know the exact dates, and under what name then i can let you know what the rate would be.

On 5/06/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Stress? More students, possibility of moving locations, PITA > parents, challenging students etc. ...See More
May 8, 2011

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