Teachers Abroad
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Hello, I am an Education Student and I am working on a project where we have to contact teachers in a different country. I was just wondering if someone could give me information about schools overseas and how they compare to schools in the US. I would really appreciate any information you could help me with. Thanks so much! Sandra
Leah You may need to be more specific. Perhaps go on the the Canadian or another chatboard and ask your questions.

On 9/09/11, Sandra wrote: > Hello, I am an Education Student and I > am working on a project where we have to contact teachers > in a different country. I was just wondering if someone > could give me information about...See More
Sep 23, 2011
Dave Im not going to write your paper for you, your really going to have to narrow it down A LOT.

On 9/09/11, Sandra wrote: > Hello, I am an Education Student and I > am working on a project where we have to contact teachers > in a different country. I was just wondering if someone > could give me information about schools overseas...See More
Sep 26, 2011

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