Teachers Abroad
18 Members

Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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hi everyone ! I 'm eagerly looking for an American colleague teaching French (preferably in Utah)to apply for a one-year exchange at the Fulbright commission (deadline = October 15th for American teachers !!)The idea is to swap our position for a full schollyear, each teacher thereby teaching his/her mother tongue as a foreign language abroad) and that implies swapping our homes and cars as wel (well we don't have to but it's obviously the best option for all !) and I live in a lovely part of France, near the Alps, close to Italy and Switzerland !! I can't wait for your answers!!!
Dave Hope you found someone.

On 10/09/11, nathalie nicente wrote: > hi everyone ! I 'm eagerly looking for an American > colleague teaching French (preferably in Utah)to apply for > a one-year exchange at the Fulbright commission (deadline = > October 15th for American teachers !!)The idea is to swap > our position for a full sc...See More
Oct 15, 2011

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