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I sent my cover letter and resume to Bonn School tonight. However, I could not find any compensation information listed and they are not showing their vacancies for next school-year.

Will we be able to afford living there? I have a husband, who will have to either be a stay at home dad, substitute, or look for other potential work; and I have two children that would need to attend the school.
School Psyc Of course along with saying I was detail oriented, I managed to abbreviate the name of the school as GBI, Germany-Bonn International instead of BSI, Bonn International School. I just looked at the site again and saw my error immediately, but my letter has already been sent. Ouch.

On 12/01/11, School Psyc wrote: > I sent my cover letter ...See More
Dec 1, 2011
Dave Its an elementary school psyc position.

The salary is reported at ABOUT $49K. There is a $1942 (plus another $1942 for your spouse, and $600, per dependent child) moving allowance and a $650 settling in allowance. Airfare is paid for all family members. A complete worldwide medical coverage plan is paid and provided for. Full tuition is p...See More
Dec 1, 2011
School Psyc Would the $49K be take home pay? I don't have to pay any portion of my income towards medical or pension? What about taxes?

That could cover living expenses pretty well unless electricity, phone, etc. is really high as well. Is there any chance of my husband finding employment (software engineer)?

If that is the take home, pay, I ...See More
Dec 1, 2011
Dave This is before Taxes. Your personal income tax would be 14%, there is then the municipal tax rate of about 14%. The school pays 50% of your social security/pension, your share is 9% of income. So your tax rate all together is about 37%. You dont pay taxes until after 6 months, but you begin making social security/pension contributions immediately. ...See More
Dec 1, 2011
School Psyc Thank you.

On 12/01/11, Dave wrote: > This is before Taxes. Your personal income tax would be 14%, there > is then the municipal tax rate of about 14%. The school pays 50% of > your social security/pension, your share is 9% of income. So your > tax rate all together is about 37%. You dont pay taxes until after > 6 months, b...See More
Dec 2, 2011

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