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Hello all - I was wondering if anyone can offer some general info. on Int'l. schools. I am pursuing my 1'st Intl. job and was wondering when hiring wraps up for the season. I have been told it is done much earlier than traditional schools gien the time needed to visas, travel arrnagements, etc. I am signed up with Search Assoc. and my advisor says most schools typically hire teaching couples first, and then move to singles (my spouse does not teach and we have no kids). I have applied about 10 schools already and will be attending a job fair in Feb. I'm just curious when I should chalk it up as a no go and pursue other options? I have 15 years exp. (excellent recommendations/credentials) and advanced degrees. I know having no Intl. experience will hurt me I just don't know how much. Any feedback is appreciated.
Dave WOW, thats a lot of questions. So heres how it works. Most schools start recruiting in November/December when they find out whos leaving and whos coming back. The elite schools tend to scoop up the cream of the crop and couples early. Then around January with the Bangkok fair is when they start looking at filling the teaching couples, and those wit...See More
Dec 11, 2011
Rookie Abroad Thanks for the info. Dave that's pretty much what I was looking for. Heck, I thought 10 schools by mid Dec. was pretty good. I am willing to pretty much consider anywhere except a desert climate (don't do the heat). I'm basically applying to schools that I think would be a good fit for me and the salary/package is reasonable. I am in a position now...See More
Dec 11, 2011
Dave Can I be honest? Your probably over shooting. I imagine most of the schools your looking at are the "american" schools overseas and most of those are the elite schools. You dont just "walk into' one of those positions. You need IB experience, international experience, certifications, and at least a masters. Youve got some of that but your missing s...See More
Dec 11, 2011

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