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Hi, I'm a physics teacher on a secondary school in the Netherlands. I'm very interested in getting a job in Australia. However, there is so much information on different visas that it's a bit hard to find where to start. I looked into the government sponsored skilled visa, but will a school help me with the costs that come with such a sponsorship? And is my teaching qualification from the Netherlands recognized since it is different from a UK one? I hope someone can get in touch with me and help me with realizing my dream of living and working in Australia.
Dave Im confuse about something. Are you trying to immigrate to Australia or find a job there? I ask because the Visa is really a minor thing. You need to find a job/school to hire you, and then whatever kind of work visa you need, let them take care of.

As long as your teaching credential is issued by the governmental body, is in good standin...See More
Dec 24, 2011
Koen Hi, First of all: Thanks for your reply!

I would like to start with finding a job as a teacher in Australia, so after that I can start thinking about immigrating. So you think schools over there would take care of the visa for me? I heard about big companies doing that, but for schools it would seem like a lot of money(skilled-sponsored). ...See More
Dec 27, 2011
Dave OK Im confused, how much do you think the visa is? It costs $305 AUD, which while a chunk isnt really some horribly large amount of money for a school. The visa you would be getting is a Business Long Stay visa (#457). Heres a link:

[link removed]

I think your still confusing an immigration visa with a non immigration work visa....See More
Dec 27, 2011
Koen A lot of confusion, but you're right. I was looking at the immigration visa while I should be looking at at the non immigration work visa. So you're absolutely right, the costs of 305 AUD shouldn't be the problem. You can apply for the visa from within Australia, so probably the smartest thing to do is just go over there, apply for jobs and hope fo...See More
Dec 28, 2011
Dave Not to sound rude but that wouldnt be the smartest thing, not if you want the best compensation package. You want to be hired as a foreign hire, so that youll get airfare, moving and settling in allowances, as well as a housing package (hopefully). If your already there, you will likely be hired as a local hire, which will be salary and insurance o...See More
Dec 29, 2011

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