Teachers Abroad
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Well, it looks like we are headed to Bangkok in January for the SA job fair. I was hoping to stay here in China for a few more years, but things are not lining up for that right now.

We are really hoping our next posting will be somewhere that has something for the whole family and will be good for at least two contracts.

Our top choices for the next stop would be Hong Kong, Japan and Bangkok. 4 years in a good school and then we should be ready to start looking for something in Europe (unless we hit the lottery with DoDDS in the meantime, but I am not going to sit home by the phone and wait).
Dave Hey what happened? I thought you loved it there? I had seen that your location had been "searching" but was changed to "China" again. I had thought youd decided to stay???

On 12/28/11, D. Thomas wrote: > Well, it looks like we are headed to Bangkok in January for > the SA job fair. I was hoping to stay here in China for a > few m...See More
Dec 28, 2011
D. Thomas I'm quite happy here and would love to stay a few more years. BUT, things are unsettled at my little school for next year and I'm really missing being a part of a larger school, so we need to look and see what other possibilities there are.

There is still a chance that I (or we) could end up at one the bigger schools here, which would be g...See More
Dec 28, 2011
Dave We dont have to give notice until June 1 (but we will accept notice anytime after (January 1). Im not happy, but Im not unhappy. It really hit hard having to expel that student. Dont like the way it makes me feel. That being said Im looking, but I dont have to find another school. I want to stay in Europe, Asia is too much work.

On 12/28/...See More
Dec 29, 2011

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