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Due to life changes I am just starting to look for opportunities for next year.

Most of the schools I check already are posting that they have finished hiring for next year.

What schools/countries typically hire a littel later , so that I might still have a chance?

Also, I am looking for an area with a great opportunity for saving a good portion of my salary.

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starting to look Thanks.

I would prefer Asia and would really prefer China or a country that has Mandarin, as my child (primary school) is studying Mandarin the US.

As for me I am a Reading Specialist, ESL ane ECE/Primary teacher- all certified and experienced.STRONG background in curriculum and staff development. I am also a certified Principal, ...See More
Mar 3, 2012
Dave Your not to late at all for China. Ive found that savings has a lot more to do with you then with the country or salary. You can save in Europe if your frugal, and while factors in a region can make it easier, I know people that make huge salaries in places with low cost of living that are basically broke all the time. Second, visiting a place and ...See More
Mar 3, 2012
in hopes for next year Thanks for your thoughts.

I forgot to mention that I am currently teaching ECE at a IB-PYP USA school, although this is my first year and the school is still in the initial 3 yr training period. Guess this is betetr than no IB expereince.

What other schools, besides WAB or ISB do most consider great options in China?

You ...See More
Mar 3, 2012
D. Thomas That could actually be a significant boost to get you noticed, if you play it up right.

Shanghai American and Nanjing are also considered very good options in China. There are some good options for saving in the ME, but many of the better schools have done most of their hiring and those countries are doable, but not the best for a single w...See More
Mar 3, 2012
Dave Actually that would be perfect, IB PYP experience regardless the schools level of authorization is very valuable. Just leave out the first your of authorization, and youd be a hot commodity.

The asian countries with the BEST income potential are in my opinion:

Thailand Philippines Indonesia China S. Korea

Taiwan and Vi...See More
Mar 3, 2012

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