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After deciding I have a better chance of getting elected President than being picked up by DoDDS, I have decided to really consider International schools.

After reading the posts here I see that I may have some misconceptions and have "over generalized" the benefits.

I realize that there are variations in all schools, but what are the general, basic benefits/ perks an experienced teacher should expect in a quality international school.

These are some of the main things I have thought, but, again, I many have over generalized.

*Competitve salary *housing (at least decent if not good/better) is this customary worldwide or just certain regions?? *local taxes paid by school *relocation of teacher AND dependents *tuition waiver for child

*possible potential for savings in certain regions

WHAT else am I missing?

What countries offer the best teacher benefits versus the school taking the position that simply living...See More

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