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Hi all,

Does anyone have any knowledge of the IES Schools (Internationella Engelska Skolan) in Sweden? From what little info I have found online, the pay is not so good for uber-expensive Sweden.

Any thoughts or opinions greatly appreciated!
Dave Its an OK school. Theres nothing bad about it, its just average in a lot of ways. Teachers come in to teach their lessons, they leave after the last class for the day. Not a lot of meetings or anything. Not a lot of PD either. The pay is also average, because Sweden just doesnt pay a lot even IS Stockholm, pays little compared to other parts of eur...See More
Mar 7, 2012
Wanderlust Thanks so much Dave. Not a lot of meetings? That's the school for me!

On 3/07/12, Dave wrote: > Its an OK school. Theres nothing bad about it, its just > average in a lot of ways. Teachers come in to teach their > lessons, they leave after the last class for the day. Not a > lot of meetings or anything. Not a lot of PD either. ...See More
Mar 8, 2012

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