Teachers Abroad
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When do teachers at international schools who are on their last year of their contract have to let their school know if they will be returning or not? If location matters then Italy in particular.
Dave Usually its around December/January but some are as early as November. Italian contracts are considered permanent unless their is a provision in the contract that stipulates a certain date or conditional time. You will most likely find this information in your contract.

On 5/23/12, still trying wrote: > When do teachers at internationa...See More
May 23, 2012
Don't Ask Dave And don't listen to him. His advice is wrong and he will lead you down a very wrong and dark path. He posts on other boards and frequently gives out the wrong info. He responded to one thread about a school and said that people get bored and fed up after 2 years and leave all of the time and that the school is in really bad condition. Only problem...See More
May 24, 2012

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